Mommy portraits are back! And it's Justine, better known as on Instagram, who answers our questions. Justine, if you don't know her yet, is Paul and Rose's mom and founder of the vintage for kids account We love her fresh, colorful, sparkling world and her keen eye for vintage hunting! let's meet her..
Hello Justine, can you introduce yourself in a few words?
My name is Justine, I'm 27 and I'm the mother of Paul, 5, and Rose, 16 months. I work in communications and have also developed a brand of second-hand and vintage clothing for children!
We love following your adventures with your children Paul and Rose. What has motherhood changed for you?
Everything! Being a mother gives me a sense of fulfillment as a woman. I quickly understood what was important to me. It's sometimes complicated because I'd like to do everything, be a girl boss, work like crazy, and at the same time be the mom I am, available all the time, meet their every need, pick them up at 4:30 pm, make them pancakes for snack time, take them to the gym every Wednesday, but I quickly understood that it was complicated to reconcile everything (as I understood it). I learn from them every day, not just about who I am...