Celebrating Candlemas with Alice

Fêter la chandeleur avec Alice

"Setting a table with nothing but beauty and goodness" is the guiding principle behind @attable.world, Alice Bailly Garcia's joyful, gourmet project. It's a mouth-watering program, and one that inspired us to find out more about this young mum, who shares one of her recipes with us for the occasion! Let's meet Alice.

Hello Alice, could you introduce yourself ?
My name is Alice Bailly, I'm 26 years old, born and raised in Paris. I'm the mother of a 19-month-old boy and I'm a passionate entrepreneur. In fact, I have two passions in life, which are creation and cooking, and these two passions often mix and mingle in my work and in my daily life. These two passions gave birth to RÉUNI, a clothing brand, and Attablé, a world of cuisine and tableware.

You're the mum of a little boy. How has motherhood changed your life? 
I became a mum quite young, at the age of 24, and I never expected such a change in my vision of the world and of life. Becoming a mum has made me gentler, more patient and, above all, has taught me to let go. The arrival of my son, and our life with him, has taught me great lessons in humility and simplicity. He's very sensitive, always cheerful and marvels at everything. And for him, everything doesn't have to be perfect. I can see that as long as we're together and laughing, he's happy. He teaches me that the perfect mom is above all the happy mom who finds her balance between family, work and personal life.

You co-founded RÉUNI, a brand that reinvents the codes of fashion. How does this impact your consumption choices for your son (clothing, food, etc.)?
Indeed, with RÉUNI, we want to create a different way of creating and consuming fashion, with a wardrobe that's timeless, sustainable, distinctly unique and made to be lived in. We love this philosophy of surrounding ourselves with little but the beautiful and the good.
So for us and our son, I follow this adage. At home, we take the time to cook all our meals. Even if we're feeling lazy, we always cook something, even if it's just a fried egg and a salad. We always go to our local shopkeepers, who are very into "local" and "seasonal" products. For the greengrocer it's "Ô Divin", for cheese it's "La Fromagerie des Buttes Chaumont" or the butcher "Richard Pommiès".

For clothes, we're lucky enough to create the garments of our dreams with our brand, and for my son, I turn a lot to quality second-hand, on Vinted for example. Even on these second-hand platforms, I stay away from fast-fashion products. And from time to time, I fall forBobo Choses pieces that are perfect in terms of quality and size. My son wears his Bobo Choses pants for 1 year sometimes, and we love it! 

What role do cooking and food play in your relationship with your son?

We're starting to share real moments of complicity around food and cooking with him, and that's the best part for me! He often helps me in the kitchen, chopping his fruit and vegetables or helping me pour the ingredients into the bowl to make a cake. I watch him apply himself or watch the cake rise in the oven! 
I'm trying to teach him to taste, to try out new flavors and, funnily enough, he's already quite demanding about the taste of his food. I'm really keen to pass on to him this love of good produce, home cooking and sharing at mealtimes. I hope to make him understand the importance of food, of healthy, seasonal and local products for today and for his future. 

 Cooking is often a story of transmission. What do you want to pass on?

Above all, I want to transmit joy. To make cooking and eating a light, joyful moment. I express a lot of my love through cooking. Particularly through Attablé, I try to pass on easy-to-make, super gourmet recipes that bring people together and put a smile on their faces. 

Attablé website is full of good addresses. Can you share with us your 3 favorite kid-friendly addresses?

Without hesitation I would say Candle Kids for a good cup of coffee or a babyccino accompanied by a madeleine that's to die for. For a great breakfast, lunch or snack, I recommend the famous Holybelly. And last but not least, at any time of the day, a little galette or crêpe at Lulu La Nantaise. The crêpe is always a hit! 

The best family getaway?

We haven't done enough with our son yet, but when I was a kid, I used to go on many family outings to the forest of Fontainebleau at the Cul du Chien Sands. From Paris, you can easily make the round trip in a day and take your picnic with you. Park at the Roche aux Sabots near Noise-sur-École and walk for a few minutes to reach this huge sandy beach surrounded by pines, heather and rocks for climbing. Perfect for a day of sandcastles, climbing lessons or hiking. It's the ideal getaway for spring and early summer. 

Your favorite time of day?

The morning, without a doubt. It's the time of day when we're all together as a family, well rested and ready for the day. And the breakfast is easy to prepare! Almost every day we put on music and dance, play with our dog, eat cereal on the couch, cuddle. It's a moment filled with life, and it puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day. 

For Candlemas, you agreed to share your best Crêpes recipe with us:

I love this recipe because the crêpes are really soft, light, thin and above all they taste great.


For 15 crêpes


- 250 grams flour 

- 3 eggs 

- 475 milliliters of water 

- 2 tablespoons olive oil 

- 1 pinch salt 

- 2 packets vanilla sugar 



Pour the flour into a bowl and make a well. Add the oil, vanilla sugar, eggs and salt. Start mixing all these ingredients with a whisk, then add the water in three stages. Mix well between each stage. 

You'll end up with a rather runny batter, which is normal. The crêpes will be lighter and thinner. 

Refrigerate for 1 hour. 

Heat your frying pan or, even better, your crêpe pan and rub a little butter over it. Wipe with a paper towel - there shouldn't be any butter puddles, but the pan should be greased. Once the pan is hot, pour in the batter and swirl. 

The crepe will lift off by itself. When it's a little golden, turn it over and brown it on the other side. 

Repeat until no more dough remains. 

Enjoy with chocolate, jam, sugar, honey or lemon... Any combination is delicious!


Bon appétit! 


Thank you Alice <3

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